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  • About us

Join The Team!

Footballers Global is built for anyone and everyone who loves anything to do with football!

We give you the chance to build your very own profile, compile your own videos to show off to all your friends! Your best goal or your near miss! All standards of football are welcome. Our player profile encourages team building and healthy competition amongst your peers which in turn will raise your game, performance and popularity. Everyone likes to talk football, now you can share your football journey with your friends here. So join up and start your own fan base.

Footballers Global are big supporters of women's and disability football. Find out more

Hear a bit of what Jimmy Carter says about Footballers Global

Women's Football needs a louder voice!

Footballers Global is a company that believes female footballers should be treated as equal and will be helping to connect, encourage and promote women's football from the grassroots level. We champion female talent and want to raise awareness regarding attitudes to women working in football, and we address the gender imbalance in the industry. Footballers Global aims to improve women’s representation at all levels of the game. We wish to achieve gender balance on our platform, not only by showcasing diverse female players themselves but also on our committee. Football is a sport for all so we will challenge discrimination and work to empower girls and women using role models and ambassadors. We will work to promote women's football and attract more girls and women to become involved on our platform.

We are delighted to be able to help and support female clubs, academies and players. Please do get in touch to discuss how we can work together and what opportunities Footballers Global are creating to help you.

Disability Football

Since Footballers Global was founded, lots of research has been going into different areas of the game. We have found disability football to have a huge number of people involved with not much exposure. Footballers Global invites anyone involved with disability football to register and share your journey. We especially want to encourage any players to get involved as we want to help with awareness and showcase your talent to our community equally. Football brings joy to everyone, there should be no exceptions. Any age and any ability. This makes Footballers Global platform unique in a way where every player is equal.

We are delighted to be able to share this platform with disability football clubs, academies and their players. Please get in touch to discuss how we can work together to help with exposure.

Get Involved Support Grassroots

Not only is this fun to share with your friends but managers, agents, scouts and teams can use our detailed player search facility for any level of player from local Sunday morning players through to professional player status. Maybe unearth the next football legend… There is no end to the tips and tricks offered on this site for football enthusiasts and professionals. Footballers Global is simply the world’s best football network.