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conorhodgsonmosley Hi Conor, we need to see you in action! Please post some videos and photos of yourself.
masonhm Hi Mason, I look forward to seeing you in action. Please post some videos and photos if you can.
sionibenham Hi Sioni, get some good photos of yourself on your profile if you can.
jordan_saling Hi Jordan, if you have some good photos of yourself please post them.
camfreitas8 Hi Cameron, try to post some good photos of yourself.
martinelli Hi Felipe, do you have some good photos you can post onto your profile?
nick1997 Hi Nick, your profile is starting to look really good. Please add your skills in your player CV
sid Hi Sid, please fill out your skills in the player CV section of your profile.
daza Hi Darren. You can use this profile as your football diary to log any of your training etc, this will make a very strong profile.
favour10 Hi Favour. Please add some info in your ‘about me’ section. I would like to read more about you.
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conorhodgsonmosley Hi Conor, we need to see you in action! Please post some videos and photos of yourself.
masonhm Hi Mason, I look forward to seeing you in action. Please post some videos and photos if you can.
sionibenham Hi Sioni, get some good photos of yourself on your profile if you can.
jordan_saling Hi Jordan, if you have some good photos of yourself please post them.
camfreitas8 Hi Cameron, try to post some good photos of yourself.
martinelli Hi Felipe, do you have some good photos you can post onto your profile?
nick1997 Hi Nick, your profile is starting to look really good. Please add your skills in your player CV
sid Hi Sid, please fill out your skills in the player CV section of your profile.
daza Hi Darren. You can use this profile as your football diary to log any of your training etc, this will make a very strong profile.
favour10 Hi Favour. Please add some info in your ‘about me’ section. I would like to read more about you.
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Hey Cheryl! Well, I do, I’m just having trouble to upload them…